Glens Falls Shrine Club
Lake George Holiday Inn. Contact Jeff Lindstrand at 518-307-3503.
Shriner & Community Day -Shriners Children's New England
Visit the Shriners Children’s New England Clinic for a tour and special event. The Temple will be providing transportation. Contact Jeff Lindstrand for details at 518-307-3503.
Hague Parade
Keystone Kops & Mini Cars. All Shriners and family welcome to march. Lineup at noon, parade at 1:00 pm. Contact Jeff Lindstrand at 518-307-3503. Lunch provided by the Kops.
Crown Point Parade & Temple Picnic
Lineup at noon at the Sacred Heart Church in Crown Point. Parade at 1:00 followed by a Temple picnic at the Church. All Shriners and family members invited to attend. Norco Clowns, Keystone Kops, Mini Cars, Fez and Shrine marchers.
Glens Falls Shrine Club
Lake George Holiday Inn. Contact Jeff Lindstrand at 518-307-3503.
Schenectady Shrine Club
Canalis Restaurant, Rotterdam NY. Contact Dave Barnes at 518-542-4622.
Oriental Shriners Potentates Ball
Illustrious Sir Todd Bailey and First Lady Tess invite you join them at the Oriental Shriners Potentates Ball. See details on the Potentates Ball page on this site.
Glens Falls Shrine Club
Lake George Holiday Inn. Contact Jeff Lindstrand at 518-307-3503.
Saranac Lake Parade
Fun Parade with the Norco Clowns and Transportation Vans. Hand out clown noses as you march in your Fez. Families welcome. Meet at the Hotel Saranac at 11:00 am. Meet at Queensbury Masonic Lodge at 9:00 am to ride up in a van.